Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ahh, Bloomington.

Once again I'm here for the drive by blog update :)

-Finals week is coming so quickly...actually, more quickly than it is for anyone else because my finals are THIS WEEK. Eeeeeek.

-I found the Mac that I want and I'm really excited about it. We went in to the Apple store in Southdale mall in Bloomington, and there she was in all her glory. And iMac desktop :D Heaven. The thing is so great for graphics, has a HUGE hard drive [1TB], is super fast, GORGEOUS, and actually pretty affordable. I also found out I get a student discount [only about $100 - but I'm not complaining!]. I'm planning on getting it the end of May.
[PS I'm getting the desktop first because it's less expensive and is actually better than a tentative plan is to get a MacBook Pro at graduation possibly].

-In case you haven't figured it out, I'm in the cities this weekend! It's been a blast. My dad, mom, sister and I came down. We left Cecilie at home, and Rachel brought her new boyfriend Zach along. I think he's been having a good time watching us all make fools of ourselves and learning some blackmail :)

-We went to Ikea today. Ahh love that store. Got lots of candles and other fun things!

-I also found the camera of my dreamssssssss. It's beautiful. Buttttt about 8 grand. EEk. That will have to wait awhile :)

-My job at the studio is really awesome - loving it thus far. I get to assist at my first wedding on May 22nd - SCARY!!! I'm nervous, but I'm sure everything will work out fine.

-I can't wait to move in to my new condo [no I have not talked about it enough :P]

-Brett's working his little tail off lately, which is good because I am, too. He kind of got a wake up call when the bank called him and he found out how much his student loan payments are going to be a month - YIKES. I'm so glad I won't have to worry about that, but I'll probably worry just as much about his anyway. I wish I was in a position to help out, but I'm not rich, and there's only so much you can do as the girlfriend...

-I'm taking a summer course - but it's only 2 weeks long - yahoo!!

-Bad news: I'm no longer graduating early :( I guess I could work it out so I'd be done a semester early, but we'll have to see when we get to that point.

Well, we're off to have dinner here in a few so I better go make myself presentable :) Toodles.