Tuesday, March 31, 2009


So, some life updates!

*Fargo is holding out against the flooding. Hoping for the best down there.

*GF is doing fine, as expected. REally sick of people freaking out about it and scaring people who haven't been through a flood and don't know what to expect.

*My gallbladder has been cooperating and not causing me pain for about a month now. I have to be sure to keep track of this in case it comes back so I can report it to my doctor.

*I'm deactivating from AXO. I'm going down to CR on Monday and then it will be done. I'm feeling relieved and excited to be done with this. I'm really hoping they don't try to be bitches about it and say that i have to stay in the house so I can't deactivate or something. They shouldn't try anything because I paid my $2300 at the beginning of the semester so they got all the money out of me that they thought they were going to.
Needless to say I hope it's a smooth process. I really didn't want to have to deactivate because I feel like there's a stigma attached to that, but I really can't handle living here and having all the commitments that I do anymore. I'm just not happy here anymore, and I don't want to waste anymore of my life being unhappy if I can do something about it.

Well, time to shower. Maybe I'll add more later.

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Google Experiment

Type your name followed by needs into google and see what you need! :)

Allie needs a boyfriend. [got one.]
Allie needs a good home.
Allie needs to walk through a greenhouse full of fragrant flowers. [that would set off my allergies and give me a headache]
Allie needs a freaking cupcake Costco cake.
Allie needs some love.
Allie needs a baby of her own.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


So, I went to the doctor on Wednesday. She told me to start taking Prilosec and then [amazingly] scheduled me an ultrasound for 7:30 AM on Thursday. Yes, AM. IT was tough.

So Thursday rolls around and I went to get my ultrasound. I was excited because they had warm jelly for me instead of the normal freezing cold stuff - that was a big deal, man.

So Friday morning my doctor calls me and says that my gallbladder looks completely normal. Then she proceeds to ask me some questions the convo went something like this:

Dr.: Have you been taking the medication?
Me: Yes
Dr.: Has it been working?
Me: Well, I haven't eaten anything that would have upset my stomach or anything.
Dr.: OH GOOD! You haven't had any symptoms! Well that's good. keep taking the medicine for 2 weeks and eat foods that would upset your stomach before and then let me know if you have any more problems.

WHAT THE FUCK LADY. I just said I didn't eat anything that would have made my stomach hurt, so OBVIOUSLY I haven't had any symptoms.

She's such a dumbass. My dad is sick of her so I guess I'll wait this pain out awhile longer and go back to see if anything has changed. I guess if she keeps telling me I'm fine my dad wants me to go to another Dr, which I would be fine with.