Thursday, January 29, 2009

First One

Well, first blog. I broke down and got one since I've been spending a fair amount of time perusing other blogs on here.

Had to get one so I can more faithfully follow Kayt and Kels, as well. :)

Well, I'm just not realizing that I am to be gone to a babysitting job in about 5 minutes...definitely not ready. Better get a move on!

Until next time -


  1. So excited you got a blog! Yay! You should probably get a prize for being our first follower. We'll work on that...
    Hope to see you around soon!

  2. I'm excited too. Though, I am late in finding out you got one. But, I just realized i have a magical spot of internet in my house so I can catch up a little more regularly. We will work on getting you a prize! RIght KEls?! Keep blogging!
    Miss you!
