Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wow it's been awhile!

Well hello, Internet World!

It's been a while since I've visited you here. Although I'm sure I wasn't missed too terribly much!

So I bought the Mac I wanted :D I am in LOVE with it. I spent a good chunk of change on it, but I know it's so worth it and that it will last me for a long time so I'm okay with it.

I'm beginning to feel the need to switch to shooting Canon instead of Nikon. I shoot Canon at the studio and it's really just kinda messing with my brain when I come back to shoot my camera. PLus there are a lot of features on the larger Canons that are really nice and that I like a lot.

Why is that whenever I type plus with a capital P it capitalizes the L, too? Do you suppose it's my brains subconscious way of emphasizing the big deal of adding something? Who knows.

Work is going well. Tomorrow I"m working 8 hours at Brady's instead of at Reeves. That will be a nice boost in my bank account, especially since I'll be work 12 to 5 at Brady's on Friday as well. 

Brett and I are doing well. We seem to be acting like an old couple lately. Lots of making dinner, running errands, and watching movies/falling asleep on the couch, haha. Oh well, it's nice to have time to relax and just spend time with him

I'm going to Transformers 2 tonight!! I'm so excited! It is gonna be a little difficult to get up at 7 am tomorrow to get to work at 8 though...oh well! Midnight movies are always a good time :D 

I'm pretty well settled in to the condo, but I'm kind of at a stand still now. Why, you ask? Because I'm getting  NEW CARPET!! I'm so excited. The stuff that's in here now is so gross and old that it's seriously just dissolving at the seams and stuff. GROSS. My mom ordered the carpet today while I was at work and she said it takes about 2 weeks to get in and then they have to schedule the removal/installation. So until then I'm not sleeping on my own bed...AeroBeds are lifesavers. I don't want to move in my actual mattress and NEW HEADBOARD [eeeek!] until after the new carpet is here. It's way easier to move around an AeroBed then a huge queen size pillowtop mattress :) haha. 

My room is all painted a gorgeous, deep, purple. My bathroom is light yellow. Now I just need to find the time to paint my kitchen light green. Then all of that will be done and I can finally start hanging pictures on the walls and making this place feel more like home.

I love being a grown up. I paid my first cable bill the other day - strange feeling. Now I'm just waiting for the electric bill to get here so Rachel and I can figure out who owes what on that. 

I've also been a super bargain shopper lately. I bought a bunch of nice shirts/tank tops/flip flops yesterday for all under 10 dollars! Sure, I spent like 100 some dollars, but everything was such a good deal and it's all very practical items so I'm okay with it. 

I spent a ton of money at Victoria's Secret and Gap the other day, too. Yay new underwear and really cute tank tops! :D I love layering!

Hm. What else.

OH! My birthday was awesome! Brett and I drove down to Fargo and my parents came as well. We did some random shopping and then my sister, her boyfriend Zach, my parents, Brett, my bestie Cozy and I all had lunch/dinner at Olive Garden! It was DELICIOUS! Then we headed over to RibFest [white trash,right?!] for the concerts. Brett and I stood in the rain for 4 hours. Gross. My pants were soaked up past my knees - but Brett had a good time at the concert and I was glad to see him happy.

My parents bought me the software and a TB harddrive that I wanted for my birthday. Rachel got me the North Face flip flops I wanted, and Cozy got me the baby giraffe tea light holder!! I am in love with it :D 

What did Brett get, you ask? The ring I wanted! It's so gorgeous and sparkly sparkly! [PS it's not a promise ring or an engagement ring] The ring matches the necklace I got from Brett last year and the earrings that his parents gave me. :D It's the fake version of my birthstone the Alexandrite.  I'm super in love with this ring and spend many minutes a day staring at it's beauty when I'm bored, or when it catches the light.

Well - I'm all typed out I think. Hope all is well for my few readers out there!


1 comment:

  1. :) Hi Allie,

    Thanks for commenting on my blog. Yes... LOTS of Target stuff in the kids den. We bought them nice Pottery Barn desks and within a week they had crayoned the top. :( So my husband and I took the PB desks for ourselves and the kids get Target. Gotta earn the good stuff! ;)

    Thanks again for stopping by. :)
