Wednesday, February 18, 2009


So, here's some fun updates since I have no idea what the heck I'm going to write for my two film papers I have to have written for 5 pm.

* V-day was good. Brett and I spent it with my parents at dinner and at the UND hockey game. SWEEP! :) He bought me a Sioux hockey jersey I've been wanting :)

*No class on Monday. I spent the day lounging around and doing lots of photoshop homework. I was irritated for some unknown reason.

*Alpha Male is this week. I have NO time for Alpha Male stuff. NONE. I have two photography assignments, both due on Tuesday [one digital one film]. The digital one probably wont' be so bad, but I have to look forward to finding the 2 hours to spend in the dark room.

*Oh, and I can't park in the Hughes Fine Arts Center parking lot anymore because I got a parking ticket for not having a parking pass. UGH. Back to walking the mile there and back twice on Tuesdays.

* I have film class tonight. I have two assignments to start and finish before 5 pm. Ughk. And I actually have to try to make them sound intelligent because the professor apparently reads them, and she thinks I'm not trying and that I'm dumb. Great. Time to pull some brilliant sounding shit out of my ass.

*We got 8 new girls in AXO. I like a few. Totally weirded out one of them at Applebee's on Friday night. She has never talked to me before, but I know her face and I got WAY too excited and said HI how are you? and she was like..uh I don't know where I know you from. AWKWARD. I felt bad for making her feel like she knew me when she didn't. Oh well. I suck.

*In my Entrepreneurship class, they just assigned us a huge project that we have to have done by Monday. That's how I will be spending my weekend, with my partner, working on some dumb fictional business that we will never actually start.
Oh,and dont' forget taking lots of pictures, finding time to edit said pictures, and time to develop the pictures for Tuesday. UGH.

I am annoyed with life right now. I really am. And living at AXO is not helping. Let's just say my roommate situation leaves much to be desired and I would really like to just start secretly living at Brett's. However, I know that would not be good for our relationship, nor would I enjoy living with his obnoxiously loud roommates. And I cannot handle living with Rachel - so NO THANK YOU.

Oh, and the internet keeps crapping out on me. This is my second time trying to get this damn thing to post.

So, I think I have gallbladder issues. Well, my family does. It runs in the family but the Drs dont' think so. Idiots. I have to go in and do a test for them to see if it's an ulcer or if I have a buildup of good stomach bacteria. If it's neither of those, then I have to try and get them to give me an ultrasound to see if it's my gallbladder. Then, if it's full of stones, we have to decide when to take it out. If I take it out now, I'll miss classes for awhile. If I wait, til say, SB, then I can't go see Kayt. If I wait until the summer, I have to suffer through being in pain after everytime I eat. SUCKS.

So, basically, I'm annoyed with life and I just wish it was summertime so I wouldn't have to deal with all of this shit.

What's new in your life?

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