Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Spring is on its way, I hope. It's been cold here, but in a strange way where it feels a bit warmer and fresher.

I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning at 9:30. Hopefully, she doesn't look at me like I"m insane and gives me the time of day, and the tests to figure out what the heck is wrong with my stomach. I'm getting really sick of being in pain everytime I eat.

I rented "Nights in Rodanthe" last night. I'm so glad I finally saw it. Totally threw me a curve ball though, never expected it to end the way it did. Overall, a great film though. Lots of awesome actors!

I also rented "Ghost Town." I'm excited to watch that, too! I'll let you know how it turns out.

I"m watching Frasier right now. Wasting time before I go to class to get my critique on my 6 pictures depicting "Motion." I got some super adorable photos of the two little girls, Jensen and Kylie, that I babysit. They're going on 1 and a half and they're the cutest twins ever. I also took a few of Brett out skating. I tried to get two different kinds of motion. Implied and visual. In the girl's photos, they're blurry in the spots that they were moving, so you actually see that they were in motion. But with Brett's photos, it's just that you can tell he was moving but the whole shot is in focus.

I'm not going to my black and white photography class tonight. I was really sick this weekend and didn't get out to take my photos, and I'm still not feeling 100% so I'm just gonna stay at home and rest up. Watch some movies for my Film midterm probably. Then I'll just need to find out what the assignment is for two weeks from tonight and I'll work on both at the same time.

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. So excited! I love Lent, it's my favorite church season. The only bummer is I have class on Wednesday nights until about 8, and that's if she lets us out on time. I'm thinking of emailing her to see how she would feel about me leaving early from class to go to Lent services. I'm hoping she'll say yes, but I'm not too sure. I'll probably have to find some way to make up watching the parts of the movies I miss. Fingers crossed, it will work out!

Kayt - they STILL have not fixed the internet here! Elliot from Sig Ep won for Alpha Male! He's great, I wish you were around to meet him. Crush is on the 7th, "Rumble in the Jungle." I'm not going, but I'm sure everyone will have a great time! Therese ran for Sigma Chi's sweetheart and was ROBBED out of winning. She was totally the best candidate. Oh well. Cassie J is running for Dream Girl for Pike.

Hm. Time to change for class!

Have a great day.
<3 allie

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