Tuesday, March 31, 2009


So, some life updates!

*Fargo is holding out against the flooding. Hoping for the best down there.

*GF is doing fine, as expected. REally sick of people freaking out about it and scaring people who haven't been through a flood and don't know what to expect.

*My gallbladder has been cooperating and not causing me pain for about a month now. I have to be sure to keep track of this in case it comes back so I can report it to my doctor.

*I'm deactivating from AXO. I'm going down to CR on Monday and then it will be done. I'm feeling relieved and excited to be done with this. I'm really hoping they don't try to be bitches about it and say that i have to stay in the house so I can't deactivate or something. They shouldn't try anything because I paid my $2300 at the beginning of the semester so they got all the money out of me that they thought they were going to.
Needless to say I hope it's a smooth process. I really didn't want to have to deactivate because I feel like there's a stigma attached to that, but I really can't handle living here and having all the commitments that I do anymore. I'm just not happy here anymore, and I don't want to waste anymore of my life being unhappy if I can do something about it.

Well, time to shower. Maybe I'll add more later.

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